Derneğmiz 4 gencimizi 10-16 Temmuz tarihleri arasında TECH4YOUTH adlı2019-3-HU01-KA105-077483 nolu KA1 Erasmus + projesi için Máriapócs / Macaristan’a gönderdi.Projenin ana faaliyetleri tekno girişimcilik, 4. Sanayi Devrimi ve bu devrimin getirdikleridir. The aim of the project:• Main activities of our project will be realized in connection with techno •entrepreneurship, the 4th Industrial Revolution and the 6…
KA-105 YOUTH WORKERS MOBILITY Theme’s of the TC Project Youth Exchanges under Erasmus +/Youth in action are more than just a gathering of young people for a given period. They allow international experience and indeph intercultural exchange. This training course offers a learning experience for participants in the youth field, enabling them to set up…
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