Provide applicant organisations with an opportunity to organise various mobility activities över a period of 6 to 18 months.
Short-term projects are the best choice for organisations trying Erasmus+ for the first time, or for those that wish to organise only a Limited number of activities.
Within a period of any 5 consecutive cali years, organisations may receive a maximum of 3 grants
An application for a short-term project can include a maximum of 30 participants in mobility activities.
Preparatory visits and participation of accompanying persons wiU?hot count tovvards this limit.
Round 1 for ali National Agencies: 11 May at 12:00 CET
Round 2 for National Agencies that decide to öpen a second deadline: 5 October at 12:00 CET
PROJECT START DATES. Projects can choose the following start dates:
Round 1: betvveen 1 September and 31 December of the same year
Round 2: betvveen 1 January and 31 May of the follovving year
PROJECT DURATION. From 6 to 18 months
PROJECT SCOPE: max. 30 participants
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