Hakkımızda About Us

все будет хорошо. / Everything's gonna be alright👍

Inspired by name from history of the Kütahya city , Synaos Think Tank Association (SynaosFikir Kulübü SFK) was founded in March 2006 in the Kütahya.Purpose of the establishment of our Think Tank Association (SFK)As, ensure to people that has intellectual knowledge living in our city bring their knowledge and experience in their field for urban and intellectual development together and attempt to keep our friends into a constructive endeavor. At the outset, our club was being established in order to efficient use of time and exchanging ideas but with increasing the number of members of club and especially new comings from the university students and academics was sat on a more effective and dynamic framework. Debates that in order to transform intellectual production to practice; to express their opinion on the decisions taken for the city, taking a side , develops at the point of offering solutions, for this purpose entered into constructive relationships with other civil society organizations in the city and with local governments and consensus was reached on a being active in terms of urban transformation projects produced. We participated with 3 of our group members and were actively involved in all stages of the action that is name “What can We do with one Euro” Action1.1 youth exchange project was organized in 2007 in our province. In order to implement projects that an seeing as an important part of urban and intellectual development and decided to prepare with the common wisdom ,firstly ability to communicate with institutions and people that writing and implementing projects and to request an information
and opinion on the writing and implementation of the projects themselves was our first effort in this regard. To do this we have established a communication team in our club and we collect all the data in one centre. To find a partner for projects thanks to created membership in the group page on the internet , we have acquired the ability to communicate with both domestic and from abroad many groups.
All in this context in year 2008, we have implemented action 3.1. which is name “Peace is
white” that was reference number TR-31-91-2008-R3 Participating in a 4.3 project held in Italy Palermo between 20-28 July 2009 with two friends of us was for the first time taking an active part in a project , as well as, observing implementing project in the place and resolving the lack of information and hardware as well as increasing
constructive relationships developed there up to the point of doing joint project was an
important milestone for us. Synaos Think Tank Association(Synaos Fikir Kulübü) is accredited by MFA-NA in July 2010, and in this way in order to taking an more active roles in global projects by youth of our district, for our province a further important step was taken by our association